January 06, 2020
By Patrick Sweeney
You would be forgiven if you mistook this for a much more expensive Aimpoint. The Primary Arms red-dot line is proof that competition improves the breed. Good dots at a reasonable or better price, what’s not to love?
The Primary Arms Micro Dot classic, the MD-06L, is the current king of Sweeney’s law. It comes with screw-on covers using O-ring seals for the adjustments. It has a power dial, inside of which is the CR2032 battery powering it. In form, it looks like a clone of the Aimpoint T-1, and that makes it compact. It also fits on any Aimpoint riser or mount, so you can get it up to 1/3 witness or co-witness with a plethora of mounts available. The good news was that it retailed for less than $100. The bad news was it had a three-MOA dot, and the run-time on the
battery was short: a thousand hours.
But, a thousand hours, when you have to turn it on to use it, means a year or more of range time. I still have several on hand, in part because they came with mounts already attached, and also because I haven’t broken them yet, which is a miracle in and of itself. It did come with a rubber bikini lens cover. I say did, because they no longer make it, they make newer and better replacements.
Primary Arms has since updated the line, and the new red dot, the MD-ADS, has the expected 50,000-hour run time and two-MOA dots, for a modest MSRP increase of only $150.
I don’t want to sound profligate, but if I took one of my rifles to a class with a pair of Classic MD-06Ls—one on it, and one a spare—and finished the class with only one still working, I’d be happy. That I haven’t broken one yet, as I said, is either a miracle or proof of good engineering. I don’t believe in miracles.