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October 01, 2020
Only one party supports an armed public to balance government power.
Communists don’t allow their subjects to be armed. They run dictatorships. Democrats have bills in Congress right now to take virtually every private American gun. Read bill HR5717 , it is nothing like media or politicians describe. HR5717 bans loaded guns at home, even locked—until you’re under attack. It bans guns with grips. We’re not imagining this. If government disarms us—which is done by force, through law—it’s all over. The great American experiment ends. Self-governance stops. Government rules you. Freedom, liberty, free-enterprise, free speech, all of it. Self-determination is in “their” hands. No one “gives” you liberty. You take it. By force. With arms. Our Founders understood this. Only force keeps freedom in your hearth and home—away from “officials,” adversaries, mobs—seeking to take it. Common wisdom says, “You can’t arm slaves and expect them to stay slaves.” It works the other way too—disarming free people enslaves them. Commies sure know it. Citizens endured offensive Democrat ridicule for it... yet still recommend: Cling to your guns and Bibles.