May 31, 2013
By Robert W. Hunnicutt
Back on March 5, we reported the case of Baltimore second-grader Josh Welch, who was suspended from school for nibbling a Pop-Tart into the shape of a pistol. The Anne Arundel County Republican Party tried to inject a little fun into the proceedings by presenting the youngster an NRA Life Membership .
The timing was appropriate for showing a little defiance to I-95 corridor Democratic legislators and Gov. Peter O'Malley, who ran roughshod over the eastern and western ends of the state in enacting onerous anti-gun legislation.
Proving that educrats are just as short on a sense of humor as they are on common sense, Anne Arundel County school spokesman Bob Mosier erupted: "It's outrageous that elected state officials...would exploit an 8 year old child for purely political purposes with a stunt like this. It's outrageous."
Well. Double outrageous.
A lot of us think it's a lot more outrageous to exploit dead children for purposes of attacking the Bill of Rights than to exploit a living one to make a humorous point about a bureaucracy that has no sense of proportion.
The educational bureaucracy, especially in urban areas, has declared total war on us. I'd say it's time we declare war on their perks, their featherbedding and their fat pensions.