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August 08, 2022
By Mark Chesnut, News Field Editor for Firearms News
If you’ve ever wondered what guidelines the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) uses to determine what Americans are candidates to investigate as possible domestic terrorists, the time to wonder has ended.
Last week, Project Veritas released an internal document provided by an FBI whistleblower that is a guide on how to identify possible Militia Violent Extremists (MVEs), and it contains some alarming information. Alarmingly, it’s likely many Firearms News readers fit the ludicrous criteria.
“In the document, the FBI cites symbols, images, phrases, events and individuals that agents should look out for when identifying alleged domestic terrorists, Project Veritas said in a news release.
If you’re prone to quoting the nation’s founding fathers, that’s one strike against you, according to the internal FBI document. Two phrases specifically mentioned in a section titled “Common Phrases and References” included, “When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty,” and “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
In case you don’t recognize those quotes, they are from Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States. Yes, apparently Jefferson would be considered a possible violent extremist suspect by today’s FBI.
As if that’s not bad enough, the guideline document also considers people potential MVEs if they do or say a number of common things. Having or displaying a Gadsden flag is one such red flag, along with displaying any historic Revolutionary War imagery.
Other signs of a potential terrorist include saying “Molon Labe,” translated as “Come and Take Them.” Apparently, an unwillingness to turn over arms to a corrupt, unjust government that might someday institute such a confiscation isn’t an acceptable thing to think or say these days.
Talking about historic government blunders that resulted in massive loss of innocent lives can also single you out as a possible MVE. The guide specifically mentions that referencing the debacles at Ruby Ridge and Waco make you a potential target for investigation.
Lastly, a propensity to refer to the Second Amendment can also cast suspicion your way. Apparently, only potential violet extremists care much about the freedoms enumerated in the Bill of Rights these days—the right to keep and bear arms, anyway.
Notably, the introductory paragraph of the document contained the following lame disclaimer: “The use or sharing of these symbols alone should not independently be considered evidence of MVE presence or affiliation or serve as an indicator of illegal activity as many individuals use these symbols for their original, historic meaning, or other non-violent purposes.” Of course, that didn’t stop the authors of the document from spending the next nearly two pages describing many things that aren’t crimes and are embraced by many law-abiding gun owners.
By the way, Firearms News contacted Project Veritas and requested an interview concerning the leaked FBI document, but the organization did not respond to the request. We’ll continue to follow this story as it unfolds further.
Freelance writer and editor Mark Chesnut is the owner/editorial director at Red Setter Communications LLC. An avid hunter, shooter and political observer, he has been covering Second Amendment issues and politics on a near-daily basis for more than 20 years.
About the Author Freelance writer and editor Mark Chesnut is the owner/editorial director at Red Setter Communications LLC. An avid hunter, shooter and political observer, he has been covering Second Amendment issues and politics on a near-daily basis for more than 20 years.