March 26, 2022
By Franklin Armory
This week, The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms released an open letter to the industry regarding "Forced Reset Triggers." While we appreciate the free marketing from the federal government, we have received some inquiries from consumers who may have misunderstood how the letter applies to the Binary Firing System.
The letter stated the following:
“Unlike traditional triggers and binary triggers (sometimes referred to generally as “FRTs”), the subject FRTs do not require shooters to pull and then subsequently release the trigger to fire a second shot.”
The above statement clearly describes our Binary design as it is engineered to fire only one round on pull of the trigger and one round on release of the trigger. This further illustrates why Binary® triggers are federally legal and not regulated by the NFA or GCA.
Additionally, we strongly disagree that our Binary triggers have ever been “referred to generally as ‘FRTs’.” Clearly, the “FRT-15™” is a Rare Breed trademark that should be respected, much like our Franklin Armory® Binary Firing System® trademark. “Unlike traditional triggers and binary triggers (sometimes referred to generally as “FRTs”), the subject FRTs do not require shooters to pull and then subsequently release the trigger to fire a second shot.” In conclusion, the ATF letter clearly cements the legitimacy and federal legality of the Franklin Armory® Binary Firing System® trademark.
If you would like more information about this topic, please see our website at .