April 24, 2019
By Free Maine Campaign
This bill would empower government to target innocent Maine people for gun confiscation based on unproven, non-criminal allegations with no notice or basic due process, like a fair trial and the right to face your accuser.
The Maine Constitution says, "No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law..."
And yet, if the politicians in Augusta pass this gun control scheme, you wouldn't even have the right to know you are being targeted until agents are knocking on your door to demand your guns.
Monday, Mainers showed up in droves to testify against LD 1312, the Michael Bloomberg "Red Flag" Gun Confiscation bill. Already, this law has unfolded tragically in other states.
Within a month of Red Flag enactment in Maryland, 61-year-old Gary Willis was awoken at 5:17 in the morning by government agents knocking on his door, demanding he hand over all his firearms.
Gary Wills was never charged or suspected of a crime. As such, the Constitution says he is under no legal obligation to comply with that order. But when he didn't comply, Gary Willis was shot dead in his own home.
Now Speaker Sara Gideon (D-Freeport) and Senator Rebecca Millett (D-Cape Elizabeth) want to bring this dangerous and unconstitutional law to Maine.
As I told Channel 5 News, "This legislation flies in the face, not just of the right to keep and bear arms, it flies in the face of our fundamental right to have a fair trial before our rights are taken away."
(Click the link below to watch the full Channel 5 report.)
With big government politicians in charge of Augusta, our chips may be down, but we are fighting back. Our Constitutional freedoms are simply too important to let slip away and we can win this if we keep up the pressure .
I want to thank everyone who joined us on Monday in Augusta to make our voices heard. We must let the politicians know we will not sit idly by as our Constitutional liberties come under attack.
But whether you were able to join us in Augusta or not, you can still take three steps today to make a difference .
Step 1. Sign the Petition to Stop Red Flag Gun Confiscation
Let your politicians in Augusta know that you expect them to protect and defend our Constitutional rights, as they have sworn an oath to do. The Free Maine Campaign will deliver to your signed petition to both your State Representative and your State Senator at our own expense.
Click HERE to Sign the Petition to Stop Red Flag Gun Confiscation
Step 2. E-Mail the Judiciary Committee
Now that the public hearing is past, the committee will be voting on Red Flag Gun Confiscation in the coming weeks.
It is as important as ever they hear from you. That's why I've drafted a message you can use to let the Committee know where you stand. For your convenience, you can use the message I've drafted. But this is your message, so feel free to edit and use your own words. Be sure to add your name and town at the end.
Click HERE to Tell the Committee on Judiciary "No Red Flag Gun Confiscation"
Step 3. Call and E-Mail Your Legislators Directly
Nothing makes a bigger impact than a legislator hearing directly from his or her constituents, so give them a personal call and send them an email. Here are some tools for finding and contacting your legislators.
Find My State Senator
Find My State Representative
And while you are at it, give Janet Mills' office a call too. Tell the Governor, "Support Due Process. No Red Flag Gun Confiscation ."
Call Gov. Janet Mills' Office:
As freedom-loving Maine people, we made our voices heard on Monday.
We are off to a good start... but if we are to have any hope of defeating this unconstitutional gun grab, we must keep the pressure on the politicians in Augusta.
Thank you for taking action today.
Let's Free Maine!
Eric Brakey
Founder, Free Maine Campaign
P.S. The Free Maine Campaign is supported by patriots like you. Please chip in $50, $25 or even $5 to help the Free Maine Campaign fight back to protect the freedoms and paychecks of all Maine people .