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November 13, 2020
By Mark Chesnut
In Oklahoma, the moving force behind saving the Second Amendment rights of lawful gun owners is the Oklahoma Second Amendment Association (OK 2A) which regularly plays an instrumental role in the legislative process for bills related to firearms rights. Now, that group and its president, Don Spencer, are setting their sights on encouraging elected representatives—both state and federal—to push toward a fair counting of the presidential ballots in the still-undecided race for the White House.
“With more than one week since the 2020 presidential election, the Oklahoma Second Amendment Association encourages fellow Oklahomans to not come to a premature or inaccurate opinion about the outcome of the election until all of the evidence has been presented, sifted through and the right conclusions drawn,” Spencer said in a press release dated Nov. 12. “We firmly believe that it was precipitous of many of the national media outlets to call the election while claims of ballot harvesting, biased vote counting and blatant voter fraud were beginning to surface. Sworn affidavits by poll workers and watchers call into question the legality of the vote in several states, and an obvious legitimate winner cannot yet be evident.”
That said, Spencer and the OK 2A board of directors are asking elected officials to join in the fight for a fair count of all ballots in all states.
“We commend Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter for his courage in filing an amicus brief against the state of Pennsylvania, and we encourage him to consider filing similar briefs against other states as well, if they are merited,” Spencer said. “Oklahomans’ rights to a free and fair election must be defended.”
Spencer said his organization believes that Oklahoma’s elected officials should be leading the charge in defending the rights of Sooner State citizens to a legitimate presidential election outcome.
“We would also like to firmly encourage all of the members of the Oklahoma Republican delegation—both of our U.S. Senators, all of our U.S. House of Representatives, including our Congresswoman-Elect, our Governor and our Lieutenant Governor—to become more proactive in defending a fair and just national election,” he said.
In closing, Spencer encouraged OK 2A members who support President Donald Trump to contact the president and let him know that they are behind him all the way.
“No matter how this election turns out, we want to thank President Donald Trump for his support of our Second Amendment rights,” Spencer said. “Pray for him and our country. Let this be a motivation for you to become more active politically in defending our Second Amendment.”
Freelance writer and editor Mark Chesnut is the owner/editorial director at Red Setter Communications LLC. An avid hunter, shooter and political observer, he has been covering Second Amendment issues and politics on a near-daily basis for the past 20 years.