July 02, 2019
By Firearms News
The White House website, in its explanation of the Bill of Rights, says "The Second Amendment gives citizens the right to bear arms." That's wrong and it contradicts the very nature of unalienable rights, the clear intent of the Founders and the understanding of the right to keep and bear arms as recognized by the Supreme Court.
Privileges are granted. Rights are "endowed by our Creator " and inherent to the condition of being human. The Second Amendment didn’t create a right — it acknowledged one that was already accepted at the time of ratification. Nobody in government gave us that right so it’s not theirs to take away.
The language is actually a holdover from the Obama administration. Donald Trump has enjoyed strong gun owner support and could order it fixed in a few seconds if he were made aware of it, so Firearms News contributor David Codrea set up a White House petition to call his attention to this oversight.
Remember, The Second Amendment has to do with a God-given, government-recognized right to defend one’s liberty and life against tyranny and genocide which could be perpetrated by their own government. It not about hunting, gun collecting, target shooting, “fun shooting,” or just about defense against robbers and rapists.
Please sign and share the petition to get the required 100,000 signatures by July 27.